Monthly Membership: Return To Your Breath


Welcome to the LEVEL UP community, a sacred virtual space dedicated to empowerment, healing, and transformation.

This is so much more than a weekly breathing group- this is a supportive community of women leveling up and expanding TOGETHER.

Each we you gain exclusive access to live, guided breathwork sessions on Zoom.

Additionally, there will be a one-hour “verbal integration” space… AKA happy hour where you will be witnessed, supported and held in your Truth. Whatever is fresh on your heart- bring it here.

This membership is for women who are committed to their self Love. As humans in this life we are in a constant state of change, and this practice offers a space each week for you to create a ritual of self care. To drop in, relax the mind, and let the wisdom of the body and spirit reveal truth to you.

In these spaces we align with Nature. The season, the moon cycle, our cycle… and learn what true alignment feels like within our bodies and our lives.

Cost: $49/month (recurring monthly payment)

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Key Features:

  • Live Weekly Sessions:

    Dive deep into immersive breathwork experiences, led by certified facilitators, every week.

  • Community of Empowered Women:

    Connect, share, and grow with a supportive group of women committed to personal growth and well-being.

  • Holistic Benefits:

    From reducing stress, anxiety, and toxins in the body to boosting clarity and emotional balance, uncover the transformative power of breathwork.

  • Flexible Virtual Access:

    Join from the comfort of your home or any space that feels sacred to you, using Zoom's reliable platform.

Discover the magic of collective breathing, rejuvenate your spirit, and embark on a transformative journey week after week. When women breathe together, powerful changes unfold.

Are you ready to breathe with us?

Join the Circle Today!